When Barry O and the gang decided to
kick start their summer campaign here in mild-mannered Maumee, Ohio, who do you think think the first call went out to? That's right, 'ol toke! and the gang here at the PDGB World Headquarters and Maumee Minibike Hall of Fame. It's no secret that it takes an army of wise deckhands to keep a political juggernaut on course, and when it came time to align Team Obama with respected and influential Rust Belt
bon vivants, the crew had but one choice: Pizza Don't Go Bad.
Just a few days before the new, new-dealers heartland swing was scheduled to commence, telephones rang, emails were sent, faxes were, uhh...faxed, and a detail of Secret Service agents swept the area. When the dust settled, the truth became clear: Team Obama was only using toke! to
get close to his Mama.
Few people or organizations carry as much clout in the Maumee/Perrysburg region as PDGB, but if anyone is qualified to
play host to and have a personal audience with our nations leader, it's toke!'s mom.
Plus we got these awesome official Presidential M&M and Whitman Sampler snack packs.