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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jimmy Page and the Yardbirds Played a Cincinatti High School Prom

“Jimmy’s first question was, ‘Why are you dressed like that?’ ” Pelley told me. “I said, ‘You’re playing at our prom.’ And he said, ‘What the fuck is a prom?’ ”

Becoming Led Zeppelin

Even in f you've already managed to catch a screening of Becoming Led Zeppelin, you need to to surf on over to the The New Yorker and check out David Owen's essay on the Yardbirds playing the prom at St. Xavier High School, an all-boys Catholic prep school in Cincinnati. 

Click here to read "Before He Formed Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page Played a Prom in Ohio," by David Owen.

It's a great example of not only how unpolished the business of rock and roll was then, but also provides a rough timeline of sorts for the pending breakup the Yardbirds and the subsequent birth of Led Zeppelin.

Here's the band performing the night before on Cleveland's UPBEAT! TV show:

And of course, here's the official trailer for Becoming Led Zeppelin:

For those in the cheap seats it's worth mentioning that seven years later, Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush would play a similar Catholic Boys Academy in Toledo, Ohio: