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Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Greta Thunberg Pleads with Jesse James Dupree to Switch to Battery Electric Chainsaw Ahead of Performance at Ohio Bike Week 2024.

I love Jackyl, but that stinky Chainsaw has got to go, says the noted environmentalist.

Creative Commons/You Tube

Outspoken activist Greta Thunberg has taken it upon herself to spearhead the international cabal of rock music enthusiasts encouraging Jackyl front-man and self-anointed “Lumber Jack of Love” Jesse James Dupree to cast aside that stinky two-stroke and get hip with a new emissions-free, battery-powered chainsaw. 

Thunberg wishes to make it clear that she wishes for the summer concert party season to continue unabated, albeit with fewer noxious two-stroke emissions. “Like most young Swedish people, my life revolves around three things: Calling out hypocritical world leaders and gross corporate polluters, scarfing those meatballs at IKEA, and blasting some f#cking Jackyl from the tape deck in my Volvo EV. I mean, Jesse James Dupree is basically the Bob Dylan of Scandinavia.” 

Preferred over four-stroke models for their lighter weight and quick-revving nature, the two-stroke has been the choice of lumberjacks and musicians for decades. But the new wave of battery-powered chainsaws offers some excellent alternatives. Stihl, the brand most commonly associated with Dupree, makes several dandy battery-powered chainsaws, including the Stihl MSA 220 C-B; it’s got plenty of power and a 16-inch bar, so it won’t be too emasculating when Jesse suggestively positions the saw amidst his loins and “jams” along with the band. It’s a crowd favorite. 

Equally as troubling is that while now assembled in the U.S., the German company’s founder was apparently a bit of a Nazi back in the day and was arrested as such during WWII. But let’s not throw stones. 

Thunberg is on the record as preferring Husqvarna battery-electric chainsaws from her native Sweden for her personal arborist needs. 

Ohio Bike Week runs from Friday, May 24 through Saturday, June 1 in Downtown Sandusky Ohio, a suburb of the Cedar Point Amusement Park. Catch Jackyl on Thursday, May 30th on the Progressive / Firelands Auto Main Stage, Jackson St. Pier, Downtown Sandusky. Show starts at 6 PM. 

Legal Note: This is obviously satire. Get with it nerds.The part about Jackyl playing Bike Week, however, is 100% legit.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

There’s No Such Thing as a Wrong Note–Art Tatum

art tatum toledo
Brother Ryan A. Bunch weighs in on the reluctant legacy of the Glass City's musical influence:
"Art Tatum’s dilapidated childhood home sits on City Park Avenue along the Dorr Street Corridor just on the outer edge of downtown, a total wreck, abandoned for decades. Out front, a gleaming bronze historical marker notes the sad relevance of the gaping hole in the foundation, the overgrown lot, the paint long-past chipping. The only splash of color offered on the drab scene is a few muraled boards guarding the long-open windows painted by teens from a nearby junior high school a few years ago. This is the perfect metaphor for Toledo music. We can’t talk about what is without talking about what was."
Take the  deep dive here:

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Jamie Farr, Toledo's Favorite Son

Not content to simply sit back and enjoy the spoils of his success, Toledo native and solid gold superstar Jamie Farr, aka Jameel Farah, is leveraging his legacy with Klinger Kreations, a can't miss entry in the highly competitive celebrity condiment arena. Try some today!

*Art and concept courtesy of comedic genius and talented illustrator Cris Shapan.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Maumee Rock City

Some say you gotta lose your mind there.
 #Necros, #Henry and June, #Soledad Brothers,  #Universe Crew, #McDonalds, #UpChuck, #Riot Squad, #Stain,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

11.22.56 Elvis Presley, Thanksgiving Day at the Toledo Sports Arena

Onstage at the Toledo Sports Arena

For a boatload of photos and the complete details of the King's T-Town visit, stop by the website of Elvis's right hand man and the undisputed master of the Gibson Super 400, Scotty Moore. For some reason, Moore has retained encyclopedic-like knowledge of the Toledo Sports Arena, and sets the record straight on the fisticuffs big E got into in the lobby of the Commodore Perry Hotel after the show. Here's a hint: Colonel  Parker rigged it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Aerosmith & Mahogany Rush, Bowling Green State University 10.12.74

Photo: Enoch Wu
Recently unearthed, up close and personal black and white photos from an Aerosmith gig at Memorial Hall on the campus of Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

photo: Enoch Wu
Just a quick reminder of how much raw, so-ugly-they're-sexy power and charm the toxic twins packed before the egos, drugs, and cheeze-ball horn charts turned them into caricatures of themselves.

photo: Enoch Wu
You gotta love that vintage Tri-X Pan film vibe. Dig all the scratches on the negatives. Surf on over to the digital gallery at the BGSU Library Collection to check out the entire set: Make It   

Contributor: Enoch Wu

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Free-Range Art of the Toledo Region #2

Rise Above
Click on images for a larger view

Mission statement successful. Artistic consistency and vision, not so much. New York it ain't.

opposing view:

Annihilate This Week

I've long marveled at just how succinctly suburban burnouts managed to condense the collective works of the Beat Generation and the cultural revolution of the 1960's into two catchy little words: "Do Bongs."
And who is this "Rich Wash**(type faded)**?" Does he in fact, "Do bongs?" Or is this simply a communique of encouragement to Rich from peers and well-wishers?

Each year, there's an approximately two week-window when the intimate details of Perrysburg's municipal drainage system are in full public view. Not yet obscured by the overgrown foliage of Spring, yet free of the perspective-impeding leaves, ice, and snow left behind from the previous seasonal cycle. I caught this full-frontal graffiti installation display Friday of this week, and even after a close inspection, I'm baffled as to it's date of origin.

Could this be an artifact from the golden-era of the early 80's Perrysburgian punk empire, when Messrs. Montgomery, Groch, Bella and the Brothers Gumpf (and Roger and that other kid who I can't recall the first or last name of) ruled the punkdom with clenched fists and open beverages? Or Is this Black Flag tribute simply the current product of a momentarily disenfranchised youth with a can of spray-paint, just dabbling in delinquency before heading off for a four-year academic enlistment in Columbus?

-Photo details
Where: US 20 in Perrysburg, under the southbound lane directly in front of Kroger.
When: 4/24/10
What: Sony Ericsson phone/camera

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lemmy: The Movie

After the Apocalypse, only Lemmy will remain. And millions of cockroaches, all in tiny Motorhead T-shirts, contentedly schlepping his bass rig to the next gig.
Loved by many, hated by none, feared only by dilettantes and poseurs who run the all too real risk of having their little rock'n'roll charade exposed in light of the brutal honesty and uncompromising dedication with which Lemmy has lived his life. They don't make an app for this shit. Given that, any attempts at a "critical" analysis or dissection of the highly anticipated documentary, Lemmy: The Movie, would simply be a waste of breath. The film debuted this week at SXSW 2010 in Austin Texas.

Question: Who remembers the the Ozzy/Motorhead posters that hung for years in the Ontario St. window of Toledo's Pythian Castle? Ozzy's "Blizzard of Ozz" tour hit the Toledo Sports Arena on May, 10th, 1981, and the posters remained in the Pythian windows until maybe the early 90's. According to the 06/28/81 edition Toledo Blade, the concert did "very poorly" attendance-wise.

Do any PDGB readers have knowledge concerning the whereabouts of said posters today?
How about a photograph of the Pythian Castle that just happens to include the posters?
If you do, Let ol' toke! know pronto!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Toledo Pop Festival-This Week In Toledo, Ohio, 1969:

Toledo Pop Festival, MC5, Alice Cooper, Toledo Raceway Park
Add caption
So Happy Together!  
Sunday, September 14th 1969
Four short weeks after Jimi Hendrix closed the generation-defining Woodstock Festival with a soul-stirring, whammy-bar laden performance of the Star Bangled Banner, Toledo fans got a homegrown opportunity to air out their freak flags courtesy of the daylong Toledo Pop Festival.Culled primarily from the S.E. Michigan/N.W. Ohio axis of high-energy rock'n'roll, the day's slightly disparate line-up featured a virtual who's who of Rust Belt axe-slingers: Brothers Wayne Kramer and the late-great Fred "Sonic" Smith from the MC5; Ted Nugent from the Amboy Dukes; The Frost's Dick Wagner, who would later go on to co-write, record, and tour extensively with the likes of Alice Cooper and Lou Reed, among others; Ron Koss of Savage Grace; Gary Quackenbush of SRC; Steve Correll of The Rationals; and, the soon-to-be-known-as “Leather Tuscadero” in the persona of one Miss Suzi Quatro, performing bass, vocal and jail-bait duties for the Pleasure Seekers, a band consisting chiefly of her brothers and sisters.

turtles alice cooper mc5 SRC Frost toledo-pop-festivalPDGB wonders if the concert promoter’s somewhat curious decision to place feel-good hit-makers The Turtles atop a bill filled largely with outfits known for their aggressive, potentially incendiary histrionics was -at least in part- a conscious decision intended to serve as a musical blow-off valve, The Turtles cheery melodies and infectious lyrics helping to ease the attendees transition from frenzied jam kick-outing to the parking lot slough that awaited them. Then again, maybe they just needed a big name to sell some tickets.

Either way, we’re sure the inevitable twenty minute-plus live rendition of “Happy Together” didn’t go unnoticed, reshuffling the synapses of numerous first-time psychedelic users so completely that even now, some forty-years later, the simple act of hearing said melody errantly whistled by passerby is capable of triggering intense psychotic episodes of such severity that even immediate medical attention followed by years of therapy can't guarantee the return of normal brain activity. Way to go Boomers!
Held at Toledo Raceway Park (which we assume is the Horse racing facility of approximately the same name that still stands in North Toledo today) the $5.00 admission ($4.25 Advance) was an unbelievable bargain, even adjusted for inflation.
If you attended the Toledo Pop Festival and have a recollection you'd like to share about it -or any like event/concert/happening in the N.W. Ohio/S.W. Michigan region- click that comment button and tell it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Free-Range Art of the Toledo Region #1

click images for a larger view

We haven't a clue regarding the identity of the resident artist (artist resident?) who transformed so much junkyard detritus and industrial-sized scrap iron into this clever display of garden fauna, but we do know that it represents one of the purest forms of Free-Range Art we've seen.

Our feet never left public soil during our short visit, ninety-nine percent out of respect to the homeowner, and one percent because you gotta' figure anyone this talented with a welder is equally as handy with the old shootin' iron when sufficiently agitated. We happily settled for the long-distance photos you see here. If and when a proper introduction is arranged, we'll gladly shoot some close-ups and elaborate on the artist and their work if they are so inclined.

Numerous additional sculptures dot the yard, and like most free-range exhibits, finding them is half the fun. Here's a hint that should make your search an easy one: It's situated east of Oak Openings Preserve, on a road beginning with the letter "R."

It seems the purest examples of free-range art are the result of a direct conduit between the creator's mind and their hands, a passion undiluted by rational thought and outside influence.

If you do visit, please practice common courtesy.