Climatologists, global warming researchers baffled by Toledo structure.
The last decade may have been the hottest on record yet, but don't tell that to the residents of this cozy abode located at the the corner of Monroe and Douglas Streets in Toledo, Ohio. Despite years of polar cap destroying climate change, this fine home remains virtually unchanged from when it was first constructed in the early 1600's by Eskimos of the Ninilichik tribe. A traditionally nomadic people, the Ninilchik tribe settled in the area after opening the first Barry Bagels location on the then barren Westgate Tundra.
While research is ongoing, many scientists credit the anaolmy to the legacy of the little ice age of the Trilby Region, a period marked by... continued
Am I the only one in awe of the fact that a new Taco Bell menu item, a taco whose shell is comprised solely of a giant nacho-cheese Dorito is available ONLY in Toledo, Ohio*!? It's called “Doritos Locos Taco,” and frankly, I can't wait to barf one -or seven- up in the hopper next Saturday, Friday,Thursday, tonight at 4:00 AM. I can't think of a better food product to put a culinary cap on a night of drinking cheap beer and pricey tequila. I've searched and searched for the (Columbus-dissing, no less!) TV commercial on the webernets to no avail...till then, it appears there is a movement pending (insert bathroom joke here) to take the delectable nationwide:
Even better: At this point, "There is no indication that Taco Bell will make the Doritos Locos Tacos nationally available" according to widely revered authority on such matters, Foodbeast.
But really, can Toledo honestly be considered a test market? Where better to hawk nutritionally ambiguous gut-bombs encased in a radioactive-hued corn shell? Proud Toledoeans will stand in line all day and pay triple the going rate just for the privilege!
*I added "Ohio" in order to avoid confusion with Toledo, Spain, where tradition dictates all prepared meats and produce be served in a large nacho-cheese Dorito shell.
Rarely performed outside the protective cover oftemple walls, the "Raised-rear, throttle-plate tickle" is arguably the most provocative of all Shriner secret handshakes. T-4 days till Shriner Car Day, AKA Memorial Day.